On a regular basis, AutomationSG organises activities for members to be updated on the latest market trend, popular & interesting industry topics, opportunities in the region as well as landscape of the partnering associations and programme and scheme of the different government agencies. AutomationSG constantly organises membership visits to worthwhile organisations. In line with
AutomationSG’s efforts to help members form strategic alliances with different organizations, AutomationSG has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with partners to facilitate the possibility of business opportunities in the regional markets among both parties’ members.
Our Membership
Participate in our extensive programs today and leverage on AutomationSG as a powerful regional platform to expand your networks and increase market opportunities in the Automation, IoT and Robotic sectors. To learn more, contact us at secretariat@automationSG.org.
For companies or organizations who are in the Automation, Robotics and Internet of Things (IoT) industry.
Ecosystem Networking
- Be part of the Automation, IoT and Robotics (AIR) ecosystem, specialise in Manufacturing, Smart Building and Facility Management, Warehousing and Urban Solutions.
- Join business matching initiatives on Technology, Partnership and End Users. In 2023, we matched up more than 150 connections.
- Expanding our ecosystem to include end users, ecosystem partners (eg: financial institutes, trade offices, agencies etc) and training champions in addition to our solution providers base to strengthen the value of collaborations.
- Participate under the Singapore Pavilion to gain access to regional markets and enjoy grant support of up to 70% under the Local Enterprise and Association Development (LEAD) programme in exhibition costs.
- Leverage on AutomationSG's network of local and overseas alliances network for business matching and collaborations.
Talent Assistance
- Enrol in Career Conversion Programme (CCP) with WSG for Engineer positions with us and receive up to 90% salary support or $7.5K grant support every month.
Marketing Exposure
- Member exclusive benefits in Automation SolutionGo! as sponsors and exhibitors.
- Be listed on AutomationSG website to extend your company’s reach.
- Complimentary account and access to posting on AIRHUB – a centralised pool of Corporate Members’ products and services open to public for sourcing purposes.
- Showcase your expertise and gain exposure within our community by contributing content in our thematic newsletter, EDM or events page.
Industry Intelligence and Trends
- Gain access to industry trends, emerging technologies, new applications, government policy and budget.
Multi-Year Membership Fees

For individuals who wish to be updated with the industry for technology, key trending and be connected with the network.
- Enjoy preferential rates to conferences and workshops.
- Receive invites to AutomationSG events and on circulation of our newsletter.matching and collaborations.
Multi-Year Membership Fees

For individuals who wish to be updated with the industry.
- Be on circulation of AutomationSG newsletter